Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter and The Table

Ok, ok- it's the moment you've all been waiting for. What did we put on that table? Remember the poll? Remember the hype? The time has come for the great reveal.

But first.....

Here's some pictures of the children at Easter, and a little photo I like to call, "You're in trouble now."

And the winner is......

No One!

We got this nifty (free) iPod/CDplayer/Stereo thingy with greenhouse rewards points from FedEx. I think it is actually an Apple product.

Very enjoyable, and in classy Apple style.

We will remove the plastic from the cords. I promise.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures for Easter! I love seeing my "babies" anytime! Thank you for keeping us up-dated on the Donahue family :-) Love, Mama

Anonymous said...

Yay! Emily is wearing my Emily's clothes! So cute!

The Hines Family said...

The kids' Easter pictures are so cute--Ben looks like a little man.

And I love what you decided to put on the table--classy Apple style for free! :-)

Mick and Rachel Donahue said...

Nice system. :D And the kids look so cute in their Easter clothes! Ben looks like a little model with that pose. ;)