Once again, Ben has come up with a post worthy idea...
At church, our Sunday night kids program often has a theme for the night. If you participate in the theme by dressing up, you have the potential to win extra "bucks" that can be turned in later for items at the church store. Tonight, after church, Ben was chatting with me about an idea he had for a theme.
"I was thinking we should do "Nekkid Night,"
(I start laughing uncontrollably into my sleeve.)
"Ben, honey, we can't do that."
"Why not? Tonight was pajama night."
"Pajamas are still clothes. We can't go to church without clothes. In fact, when have you EVER left the house AT ALL without clothes?"
"But I was thinking that Nekkid Night would be a good idea..."
Oh Ben. You funny little boy. Your "Nekkid Night" idea may get an "F", but I'll give you an "A" for alliteration.