Sunday, April 8, 2007

There It Is, Folks

With three days left, I thought I should preserve a photo of the belly for posterity. I have gained what is getting close to 35 pounds (*edit- went to the Dr. today and it is a confirmed 35 1/2). To put that in perspective, my normal weight is 85. So. The next time someone tells me how "small" my stomach is, I think I am going to scream. Stay tuned for exciting updates this week. I think Presbyterian has wireless internet....


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about people saying "but your stomach is so little!" I'm at 6 months--with a ways to go--and it certainly doesn't feel little to my normally petite body! I can only imagine how YOU must feel! :) Let's meet this baby girl!

Anonymous said...

Daddy and I do not think you are "small" - we know you have a good-sized little one in there! : )
We sure are excited and looking forward to being with you on Wednesday! We love you all! Mama

Anonymous said...

Annie Beth...that makes my stomach hurt. Actually if I'm not careful and loose the weight I promised the doctor I would then I'll look just like you. LOL..Now how is it that you get that stomach flat again...
Love you and will be awaiting to be a grandfather again...and as usual I want her to call me DOUG and not grandpa. Maybe in another 20 years she can call me grandpa but til then its just DOUG. I'll be waiting...

Amy S. said...

My thoughts were with you today as I promised they would be when last we talked on the phone. Good luck Annie Beth, I'll be anxiourly waiting to see Emily in a picture.