While making home made pizza at lunch time today, I kept smelling what seemed to be an electrical fire inside our walls. Fortunately, it was just this wooden eggs scorching on the heating element in the stove. Who could have put it there? Hmmmm.....
Later today, Ben decided to dump the laundry out of one of my baskets and use it as the cover for some piece of machinery he was inventing. In this picture you can see Anna's standing frame. It is hooked to the dog crate by a couple of filthy, stinky, dog leashes. This is the part of the machine that is "hooked up and pulling." On the tray you find a wooden spoon. This is the "scooping" mechanism. I suppose the basket is like the protective wind sheild/grill part. You can't see this, but our copy of the church key is stuck in a crack in the front padding. This is the part that "cranks it up." Good times.
This evening, I decided to make a phone call. Silly me. Ben decided to cook. The stove is covered in flour, and there is sugar in my Spanish garlic press. Not to mention some random tomatoes were put into a plastic baggy and sealed. This all occured in about 2 seconds. I kid you not. The best part is when I asked him to clean up the sugar (meaning dump it in the trash and sweep up) he put it BACK IN THE SUGAR BOWL!! EWWW!
Ohhhhh, little Emily, what are you in for?